Eo3- no added sugars - manuel

Total Sugars vs Added Sugars: What’s the Difference & Why it Matters? by Manuel Villacorta, MS, RDN

Here are key facts to know about total sugar vs added sugar, and fruit juice so that you can make nutritious choices.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “sugar?” Have you heard that sugar is the devil? Well then it’s time for some myth busting because not all sugar is created equal!

I have partnered with Enhanced Omega-3 to show you the inside scoop on sugar.

What is Sugar?

To start, what is sugar? Sugar is glucose, which is the main fuel source for our brain, and fuels your activities.

Sugar naturally occurs in fruit, dairy, and vegetables. This is different from added sugar. It is part of a well-balanced diet.

What is Added Sugar?

Added sugar is the term used when sugar is added to a food or product. This includes ingredients like cane sugar, dextrose, high fructose corn syrup, and more.

So as you can guess, we want to limit added sugar. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend consuming no more than 10% of your total daily calories from added sugars.

On the flip side, remember that this is different than naturally occurring sugar, which is part of a well-balanced eating pattern.

Nutrition Label Example – EO3

When it comes time to compare total sugar vs added sugar, the label is important. When you look at the Nutrition Facts, the total sugar will include added sugar but added sugar is also shown separately. This is why it’s indented below total sugar.

Is Fruit Juice Bad?

Here I have EO3, a read-to-drink smoothie with omega-3s, protein, and antioxidants. The antioxidants come from apple, pear, and blackcurrant juices. Most people think fruit juice is the devil too. But let me remind you that 4 oz of 100% fruit juice is a serving of fruit.

In this carton, there are 23g of sugar total, but 0g of added sugars. That’s why as a dietitian, this is a drink I recommend – especially with the addition of the other nutritious ingredients.

April 13th, 2023